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Sunday 6 June
Monday 7 June
8.00-09.00Registration and distribution of conference material
Opening and welcome
Enzo Boschi,
Alik Ismail-Zadeh,
Umberto Mura, Augusto Neri, Daniel H. Rothman
- Session 2:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics II Sub-surface and surface flows
- Conveners: Einat Aharonov and Daniel Schertzer
- 09.30-09.50
- Micol Todesco, Antonio P. Rinaldi
The rocks and the fluids. The complex sound of the hydrothermal activity
- 09.50-10.10
- Piotr Szymczak, Tony Ladd
Dissolution in porous media and fractures: initial vs moving front instability
- 10.10-10.30
- Daniel Reeves, Daniel H. Rothman
The role of spatial heterogeneities in the apparent age dependence of dissolution and precipitation rate constants in porous media
- Coffee break
Session 2:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics II Sub-surface and surface flows
- Conveners: Einat Aharonov and Daniel Schertzer
- 10.50-11.10
- Enrique Merino
Self-Accelerating Dolomite-For-Calcite Replacement: Dynamics of Burial Dolomitization and Associated Ore Mineralization
- 11.10-11.40
- Liran Goren, David W. Sparks, Einat Aharonov, Renaud Toussaint
Modeling coupled fluid-grain deformation, with implications for landslides, fault-zones, and liquefaction (keynote)
- 11.40-12.00
- Renaud Toussaint, Michael Niebling, Eirik G Flekkoy, Jean Schmittbuhl, Jan Ludvig Vinningland, Knut Jorgen Maloy, Berthilde-Maud Schelstraete, Oistein Johnsen, Anke Lindner, Eric Clement, Christophe Chevalier, Georg Koval
Sedimentation and aerofracture: Sedimentation instability and fracturing/channeling transitions in mixed grain/fluid flows - impact of viscosity and compressibility
Session 4:
- Brittle deformation and computational seismology
- Conveners: Yehoda Ben-Zion and Massimo Cocco
- 12.00-12.20
- Heiner Igel, Andreas Fichtner, Martin Käser, Paul Käufl, Christian Pelties, Karin Sigloch, Stefan Wenk
Simulation and inversion of full waveforms for 3-D Earth structures and sources
- 12.20-12.40
- Michel Campillo, Berenice Froment, Celine Hadziioannou, Eric Larose, Diane Rivet, Philippe Roux, Florent Brenguier, Nikolai Shapiro
Noise based seismic speed monitoring: co-seismic and post seismic speed drops
- 12.40-13.00
- Gilda M Currenti, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Agnese Di Stefano, Danila Scandura, Charles A Williams, Ciro Del Negro
Stress changes variations around a pressured magma chamber: constraints on magma intrusion and fault slip
- Lunch
Session 4:
- Brittle deformation and computational seismology
- Conveners: Yehoda Ben-Zion and Massimo Cocco
- 14.30-14.50
- Jean-Pierre Vilotte, Gaetano Festa, Michel Raous
Dynamic rupture along interfaces including damage and friction: initiation, propagation and radiation
- 14.50-15.10
- Vladimir Lyakhovsky
Damage rheology model: from local quasi-static to non-local dynamic formulation
- 15.10-15.30
- Nataliya Makedonska, Liran Goren, David W. Sparks , Einat Aharonov
Friction versus dilation revisited: insights from theoretical and numerical models.
- 15.30-15.50
- Christopher H Scholz
Large Earthquake Triggering, Clustering, and the Synchronization of Faults
- 15.50-16.10
- Steffen Abe, Karen Mair, Janos L Urai
Roughness Evolution in DEM simulations of fault shear.
- Coffee break
Session 9:
- Computational geophysics: Modern algorithm and applications
- Conveners: Marc Spiegelman and David A. Yuen
- 16.30-16.50
- Ilario Mazzieri, Chiara Smerzini, Marco Stupazzini, Francesca Rapetti
Mortar Spectral Element Method applied to the study of seismic response of 2D alluvial deposits
- 16.50-17.20
- Maarten V de Hoop, V. Brytik, Q. Cao, H. Smith, G. Uhlmann, R. D. van der Hilst, H. Wendt
Multi-scale approach to seismic inverse scattering and applications in Earth's upper mantle transition zone (keynote)
- 17.20-17.40
- Nathanael Schaeffer
Towards a faster Spherical Harmonic transform
- 17.40-18.00
- Gabriele Morra
Particle simulations with Stokeslet and Stresslet kernels
- 18.00-18.20
- Jason Phipps Morgan, Joerg Hasenclever, Chao Shi
Better Strategies for Finite Element Solutions of Variable Viscosity Stokes Flow
- 18.20-18.40
- David A. Yuen, Grady B. Wright, David A. Sanchez, Gregory A. Barnett, Jr.
The Coming Role of GPU in Computational Geosciences
Tuesday 8 June
Session 6:
- Environmental systems and climate
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Eli Tziperman
- 08.30-08.50
- Timothy T. Creyts, Christian G. Schoof
Drainage of water through subglacial water sheets
- 08.50-09.20
- Christian Schoof
Drainage network formation under glaciers (keynote)
- 09.20-09.40
- Andrea D'Alpaos, Cristina Da Lio, Marco Marani
Equilibrium states and transient dynamics in tidal bio-geomorphic systems subject to climate change
- 09.40-10.00
- Roberta Sciascia, Claudia Pasquero, Antonello Provenzale
Settling plankton settling
- Coffee break
Session 6:
- Environmental systems and climate
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Eli Tziperman
- 10.20-10.40
- Aviv Solodoch, William Boos, Zhiming Kuang, Eli Tziperman
Excitation of slow MJO-like Kelvin waves in the equatorial atmosphere by Yanai wave-group via WISHE-induced convection
- 10.40-11.00
- Daniel H. Rothman
Singular Blow-up in the End-Permian Carbon Cycle
Session 3:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics III Atmosphere and Ocean
- Conveners: Claudia Pasquero and William R. Peltier
- 11.00-11.30
- Geoffrey K. Vallis
The maintenance of stratification in the ocean and atmosphere: from conveyor belts to geostrophic turbulence (keynote)
- 11.30-11.50
- Paola Cessi, Christopher L Wolfe, Bonnie C Ludka
Eddy-balanced buoyancy gradients on boundaries and their role in the thermocline and the meridional overturning circulation
- 11.50-12.10
- Joseph H. LaCasce, Pal E. Isachsen
The dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- 12.10-12.30
- William R. Peltier, Stephen D. Griffiths
Internal waves in the atmosphere and oceans and explicit models of the internal tide
- Lunch
Session 3:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics III Atmosphere and Ocean
- Conveners: Claudia Pasquero and William R. Peltier
- 14.00-14.20
- Pablo Zurita-Gotor, Geoffrey K Vallis
Circulation sensitivity to heating in a simple model of baroclinic
- 14.20-14.40
- Hezi Gildor, Daniel F. Carlson, Erick Fredj, Vered Rom-Kedar
Deducing an upper bound to the horizontal eddy diffusivity using a stochastic Lagrangian model
Session 7:
- Quantifying the uncertainty in Earth systems
- Conveners: William P. Aspinall and Gordon Woo
- 14.40-15.10
- Wendy S Parker
Confirmation and Testing of Scientific Models, Revisited (keynote)
- 15.10-15.30
- Robert E. Kopp, Frederik J. Simons
Assessing the history of global sea level from noisy and incomplete observations of local sea level
- 15.30-15.50
- Laurent Ailleres, Mark Lindsay, Mark Jessell, Eric deKemp
Geological uncertainty: a mean to reduce potential field ambiguity?
- Coffee break
- Poster session A
- CMG-IUGG Business Meeting (for CMG members and IUGG representatives)
Wednesday 9 June
- 08.30-19.00
- Field excursion to the Alpi Apuane
Thursday 10 June
Session 7:
- Quantifying the uncertainty in Earth systems
- Conveners: William P. Aspinall and Gordon Woo
- 08.30-08.50
- E. Bruce Pitman, Abani K. Patra, Eliza Calder, M. J. Bayarri, James O. Berger, Keith Dalbey, Elaine Spiller, Robert Wolpert
Quantifying Input Uncertainty in Models of Volcanic Flows
- 08.50-09.10
- Abani K Patra, Keith Dalbey, E. R. Stefanescu, E. B. Pitman, Eliza Calder, Marcus I Bursik, Michael F. Sheridan
Using Computer Models and Uncertainty Quantification to Construct Hazard Maps
- 09.10-09.30
- Jacopo Selva, Warner Marzocchi, Paolo Papale, Lucia Civetta, Edoardo Del Pezzo, Laura Sandri
Community-based short-term eruption forecasting at Campi Flegrei
- 09.30-09.50
- Franco Flandoli, Enrico Giorgi, William P. Aspinall, Augusto Neri
Comparing the performance of different expert elicitation models using a crossvalidation technique
Special session:
- Can our models only predict the irrelevant?
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Augusto Neri
- 9.50-09.55
- Daniel H. Rothman
A memory of Prof. Albert Tarantola
- 9.55-10.35
- Orrin H. Pilkey, Linda Pilkey-Jarvis
Predictive Modeling of Processes on the Surface of the Earth Doesn't Work
- Coffee break
Special session:
- Can our models only predict the irrelevant?
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Augusto Neri
- 10.55-11.35
- Warner Marzocchi
Forecasting large earthquakes and eruptions: is it a scientific issue?
- 11.35-12.15
- Victor Brovkin
Limitations of global terrestrial biosphere models used for future climate projections
- 12.15-12.55
- Roger M. Cooke
The Risk Management Perspective in Climate Change
- Lunch
Special session:
- Can our models only predict the irrelevant?
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Augusto Neri
- 14.15-14.55
- Leonard A. Smith
Extracting Insight from Predictions of the Irrelevant: Can the Diversity in Our Models Inform Our Uncertainty of the Future?
- 14.55-15.40
- Panel and floor discussion
- Moderators: William R. Peltier and Gordon Woo
- Coffee break
- Poster session B
- Social dinner
Friday 11 June
Session 1:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics I - Volcanoes
- Conveners: Giovanni Macedonio and Michael Manga
- 08.30-08.50
- Matteo Lupi, Sebastian Geiger, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Rebecca J. Carey, Bruce F. Houghton
Explaining the Plinian-phreatoplinian shift during the 1875 Askja volcano eruption by coupling geological and numerical techniques
- 08.50-09.10
- Ittai Kurzon, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, Oded Navon, Bernard Chouet
Amplification of pressure waves in supersaturated bubbly magma
- 09.10-09.30
- Fabio Dioguardi, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Salvatore De Lorenzo
1-D numerical simulation of the gas-particles flow in vertical conduits during large-scale experiments on the mechanics of explosive eruptions
- 09.30-10.00
- Josef Dufek, Michael Manga
Flow transformation in explosive volcanic eruptions: Multiphase and multiscale interactions in pyroclastic density currents (keynote)
- 10.00-10.20
- Gustavo Cordoba, Bruce Pitman, Michael F Sheridan
A two-phase, depth-averaged model for geophysical mass flows in the TITAN code framework
- Coffee break
Session 1:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics I - Volcanoes
- Conveners: Giovanni Macedonio and Michael Manga
- 10.40-11.00
- Oleg E Melnik, Natalia V Gorokhova, Pavel Y Plechov, Jon Blundy, Alison Rust, Duncan Muir
Crystal growth in ascending magmas: from individual crystals to crystal populations
- 11.00-11.20
- Antonio Costa, Oleg Melnik, Steve Sparks, Giovanni Macedonio, Joaquim Gottsmann
Nonlinear dynamics of magma flows in conduits
Session 5:
- Geodynamics and geomagnetism
- Conveners: Matthias Holschneider and Mioara Mandea
- 11.20-11.50
- Johannes Wicht
Towards Realistic Planetary Dynamo Simulations (keynote)
- 11.50-12.10
- Abdolreza Ghods, Jafar Arkani-Hamed
Giant Impacts Control Mantle Dynamics and Cripple the Core Dynamos of Planets
- 12.10-12.30
- Alexandre Fournier
Combining geomagnetic data with physical models of Earth's core dynamics: An introduction to data assimilation in geomagnetism
- 12.30-12.50
- Annette Eicker
The determination of mass transport processes in the Earth's system from satellite gravity missions
- Lunch
Session 5:
- Geodynamics and geomagnetism
- Conveners: Matthias Holschneider and Mioara Mandea
- 14.20-14.40
- Marco Cuffaro, Edie Miglio, Paolo Ruffo
Asymmetric Tectonics at Rift Zones: Geodynamics and Numerical Modeling
- 14.40-15.00
- Isabelle Panet, Matthias Holschneider, Michel Diament, Yuki Kuroishi, Valentin Mikhailov
Multi-scale modeling and analysis of the Earth's gravity field using Poisson wavelets
- 15.00-15.20
- Carmen Gaina, Stephanie Werner, Richard Saltus, Sergei Medvedev, CAMP-GM group
Structure and evolution of the Arctic in the light of new geophysical compilation and regional kinematics
Session 8:
- Data assimilation and model validation
- Conveners: George Bergantz and Alik Ismail-Zadeh
- 15.20-15.50
- Olivier Talagrand
Data Assimilation in Geophysics. An Update (keynote)
- 15.50-16.10
- Laura M. Stewart, Sarah L. Dance, Nancy N. Nichols
Estimation and modelling of observation error correlations for numerical weather prediction
- 16.10-16.30
- Alberto Carrassi, Stephane Vannitsem
Accounting for model error in data assimilation. A deterministic Formulation
- 16.30-16.50
- Alain Caya, Mark Buehner, Tom Carrieres
Three-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation in a coupled Ice-Ocean Model with Ensemble-Derived Background-Error Covariances
- Coffee break
Session 8:
- Data assimilation and model validation
- Conveners: George Bergantz and Alik Ismail-Zadeh
- 17.10-17.30
- George W Bergantz, Alain Burgisser
Challenges in model validation of multiphase mixtures: scaling requirements for application to volcanic and magmatic systems
- 17.30-17.50
- Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, Augusto Neri, Amanda B. Clarke, Jean-Francois Smekens, Barry Voight, Christina Widiwijayanty
Multiphase flow dynamics and damage zonation of the May 18, 1980 lateral blast of Mount St. Helens: comparison between 3D numerical simulations and field observations
- 17.50-18.10
- Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Satoru Honda, Igor Tsepelev
Quantitative reconstruction of lithosphere subduction using assimilation of geophysical data
- Conference closure
Poster session A
Tuesday 8 June 16.10-18.50
Session 2:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics II Sub-surface and surface flows
- Conveners: Einat Aharonov and Daniel Schertzer
- S2-02
- Einat Aharonov, Regina Katsman, Leehee Laronne Ben-Itzhak
How do stylolite networks and stylolite-fracture networks form: insights from modeling
- S2-03
- Olivier Devauchelle, Alexander P Petroff, Daniel H. Rothman
Coupling groundwater to sediment transport in ravines
- S2-04
- Roberto M. R. Di Martino, Marco Camarda, Sergio Gurrieri, Mariano Valenza
Modelling the chemical composition transients in volcanic soil gases to evaluate the source depth of the gas reservoir
- S2-05
- Luis Guarracino, Jesús Carrera Ramírez
Hydraulic and mechanical effects on tide-induced head fluctuation in coastal aquifer systems
- S2-06
- Ilaria Isola, Francesco Mazzarini
Model for local fluid circulation in the upper brittle crust: insights from veins' thickness distribution
- S2-07
- Ilaria Isola, Francesco Mazzarini, Giancarlo Molli
Structural analysis of a percolating fracture network in karst systems: the Antro del Corchia Cave, Alpi Apuane, Italy
- S2-08
- Ioan R. Ionescu, Oana Cazacu
Onset and dynamic shallow flow of a viscoplastic fluid. Applications to dense avalanches
- S2-09
- Matteo Lupi, Sebastian Geiger, Colin Graham
Fluid-induced seismicity in volcanic and hydrothermal systems: numerical studies of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, Iceland
- S2-10
- Alexander P. Petroff, Olivier Devauchelle, Daniel H. Rothman
The bifurcation of channel heads cut by springs
Session 3:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics III Atmosphere and Ocean
- Conveners: Claudia Pasquero and William R. Peltier
- S3-01
- Yosef Ashkenazy, Nathan Paldor, Yair Zarmi
On the meridional structure of extra-tropical Rossby waves
- S3-02
- Yosef Ashkenazy, Ian Eisenman, Hezi Gildor, Eli Tziperman
The effect of Milankovitch variations in insolation on equatorial seasonality
- S3-03
- Yuley Cardona, Annalisa Bracco
Mesoscale variability, high frequency winds and their impact on the vertical velocity fields of the South China Sea
- S3-04
- Silvia De Monte, Antonello Provenzale, Roberta Sciascia
Plankton settling and survival
- S3-05
- Domenico M. Doronzo, Pierfrancesco Dellino
Fluid dynamics of volcaniclastic turbidity currents
- S3-06
- Eyal Heifetz, Avinoam Rabinovich, Nili Harnik, Orkan M Umurhan,
Francois Lott
Gravity wave instability in terms of vorticity inversion and
- S3-07
- Vladimir A. Gusev, Aleksey L. Sobissevitch
Propagation of wideband and shock waves induced by seismic activity in the stratified atmosphere
- S3-08
- Claudia Pasquero, Eli Tziperman
Statistical parameterization of heterogeneous oceanic convection
Session 4:
- Brittle deformation and computational seismology
- Conveners: Yehoda Ben-Zion and Massimo Cocco
- S4-01
- Mohammad R. Asef, Mohsen Farrokhrouz, Hamed Haghi
Evaluation of P-wave and S-wave Correlations
- S4-02
- Rafael A. Benites, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Seismic wavefield generated by shear dislocations in a structure with a bimaterial interface and near-by cracks
- S4-03
- Angelo De Santis, Gianfranco Cianchini, Enkelejda Qamili, Alberto Frepoli
The 2009 L'Aquila (Central Italy) seismic sequence as a chaotic process and implications for main shock predictability
- S4-04
- Mohsen Farrokhrouz, Mohammad R. Asef
Effects of Confinement on Rock Velocity Relations for different Rock Types
- S4-05
- Yariv Hamiel, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Nonlinear deformation and the elastic energy of damaged rocks
- S4-06
- Gregor Hillers, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Seasonal variations in observed noise amplitudes above 1 Hz in southern California
- S4-07
- Bulent Kaypak, Gozde Venedik
Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure in The Denizli Geothermal Region, Western Turkiye
- S4-08
- Ignace Loris, Frederik J. Simons, Sergey Voronin, Ingrid C. Daubechies, Guust Nolet, Stephen J. Judd, Massimo Fornasier, Phillip A. Vetter
A new approach to global seismic tomography that promotes sparsity with a new three-dimensional wavelet transform in spherical geometry
- S4-09
- Karen Mair, Espen Jettestuen, Steffen Abe
Characterising contact force networks in 3D sheared granular fault gouge
- S4-10
- Warner Marzocchi
Some physical insights on earthquake statistics derived from a physics-based earthquake seismicity simulator
- S4-11
- Mark Naylor, Sarah Touati, Greenhough John, Ian G Main, Andrew Bell
Interpretation of statistical signals in earthquake data
- S4-12
- Danila Scandura, Gilda Currenti Currenti, Alessandro Bonaccorso, Agnese Di Stefano, Ciro Del Negro
Finite-Element modeling of static stress changes induced by recharging and intrusive phases at Etna volcano
- S4-13
- Ylona van Dinther, Taras V. Gerya, Luis A. Dalguer, Martin Mai, Gabriele Morra
The long-term seismic cycle within geodynamic numerical simulations of a subduction zone
- S4-14
- Melissa Vassalli, Gareth S O'Brien, Chris J Bean, Ivan Lokmer, Gilberto Saccorotti
Importance of structural and rheological complexity on ground deformation inversion: a numerical study
- S4-15
- Dion K Weatherley
On the role of boundary conditions in particle-based numerical simulations of brittle failure
- S4-16
- Ilya Zaliapin, Yehuda Ben-Zion
Seismic clustering and regional physical properties: A statistical analysis
Session 6:
- Environmental systems and climate
- Conveners: Daniel H. Rothman and Eli Tziperman
- S6-01
- Baerbel Langmann, Michaela Werning, Matthias Hort
Regional numerical modelling of volcanic ash atmospheric dispersion and deposition after the eruptions of Mt. Pinatubo and Kasatochi
- S6-02
- Lauren Padilla, Geoffrey K. Vallis
Joint effects of natural variability and forcing uncertainty on observational estimates of climate sensitivity
- S6-03
- Yuri N. Skiba, David Parra-Guevara
Pollution level assessment and control of emission rates
Session 9:
- Computational geophysics: Modern algorithm and applications
- Conveners: Marc Spiegelman and David A. Yuen
- S9-01
- Alexandr M. Bobrov, Alexey A. Baranov
The role of variable viscosity in the modeling of global stress fields in the Earth's mantle and in floating continents
- S9-02
- Philipp L. Bykov, Vladimir A. Gordin
The Analysis of Three-Dimensional Geometry of Atmospheric Fronts
- S9-03
- Gaetana Ganci, Annamaria Vicari, Sergio Bonfiglio, Ciro Del Negro
Hotsat volcano early warning system based on a combined use of SEVIRI and MODIS multispectral data
- S9-04
- Victor Isakov
Some Numerical Methods for Gravimetric Prospecting
- S9-05
- Elena M. Mazurova
Computation of Height Anomaly through the Fast Wavelet Transform
- S9-06
- Gabriele Morra, David A. Yuen
Pulsations of a plume rising through a non-monothonic mantle
- S9-07
- Henri Samuel, Martha Evonuk
Fast and Accurate Modeling of Advection in Geophysical Flows with Dynamic Implicit Surfaces
- S9-08
- Anna Scotti, R. Galimberti, P. Ruffo
Darcy based models for oil generation and expulsion from source rock.
- S9-09
- Frederik J. Simons
Slepian functions and their use in geophysical signal estimation and spectral analysis
- S9-10
- Nicola Tosi, David A. Yuen, Ondrej Cadek
Dynamical consequences in the lower mantle with the post-perovskite phase change and strongly depth-dependent thermodynamic and transport properties
Poster session B
Thursday 10 June 16.00-18.50
- Session 1:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics I - Volcanoes
- Conveners: Giovanni Macedonio and Michael Manga
- S1-01
- Marina Bisson, Roberto Sulpizio, Giovanni Zanchetta, Federica Demi, Roberto Santacroce
Assessment of collapsing colluvial cover volume as crucial input for volcaniclastic flow modelling in the Circumvesuvian area
- S1-02
- Antonio Costa, Giovanni Macedonio, Arnau Folch, Adam Durant
A model for ash aggregation in volcanic plumes
- S1-03
- Domenico M. Doronzo, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Marco D. de Tullio, Giuseppe Pascazio
Immersed boundary simulation of pyroclastic density currents: numerical scheme and experimental validation
- S1-04
- Ittai Kurzon, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, Oded Navon
Visco-elastic magma - Fragmentation criteria revisited
- S1-05
- Einat Lev
Extracting lava velocity and rheology from computer-vision analysis lava flow videos
- S1-06
- Antonella Longo, Paolo Papale, Andrea Cassioli, Gilberto Saccorotti, Michele Barsanti, Chiara P. Montagna, Melissa Vassalli, Salvatore Giudice
GALES: a consistent finite element numerical library for the simulation of underground magma dynamics
- S1-07
- Ornit Maimon, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, Oleg Melnik, Oded Navon
Factors controlling propagation of a dyke filled with gas-saturated magma
- S1-08
- Michael Manga, Josef Dufek
In-situ production of ash and clast breakup in pyroclastic density currents: model results and a preliminary field validation
- S1-09
- Margherita Polacci
Implications of rock texture characterization on the modelling of volcanic processes
- S1-10
- Annamaria Vicari, Giuseppe Bilotta, Sergio Bonfiglio, Annalisa Cappello, Gaetana Ganci, Alexis Herault, Eugenio Rustico, Ciro Del Negro
GPU-based models to perform numerical simulations of lava-flow dynamics
- S1-11
- Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Amanda B. Clarke, Augusto Neri, Barry Voight
Modelling extrusion cycles of dome-forming eruptions
Session 2:
- Geophysical fluid dynamics II Sub-surface and surface flows
- Conveners: Einat Aharonov and Daniel Schertzer
- S2-11
- Luca Valentini
Numerical Study of the role of Korteweg Stress in Magma Dynamics
Session 5:
- Geodynamics and geomagnetism
- Conveners: Matthias Holschneider and Mioara Mandea
- S5-01
- Stoyan N. Avdev, Christian V. Tzankov
Presenting of Earth's gravity field with optimized models of point masses
- S5-02
- Badia Z. Chulli, Hakim Gabtni
Using gravity and geothermal gradients data to determine the crustal configuration and associated oil and gas accumulations in the Sahel Basin (Eastern Tunisia)
- S5-03
- Martha Evonuk
Differential flow in planets prior to core formation
- S5-04
- Nicolas Gillet, Nathanael Schaeffer, Dominique Jault
Rationale and geophysical evidence for quasi-geostrophic rapid dynamics within the Earth's outer core
- S5-05
- Michael Hayn, Isabelle Panet, Matthias Holschneider, Michel Diament
Multiscale Feature Extraction of Potential Fields Using Poisson Wavelets
- S5-06
- Omar F. Lopes, Jeferson de Souza
A Super Volcano in Southern Brazil
- S5-07
- Anne Geese, Mioara Mandea, Vincent Lesur
SAMS - the South African Magnetic model made of Splines
- S5-08
- Gabriele Morra, Maria Seton, Dietmar Muller
Hierarchical self-organisation of tectonic plates
- S5-09
- Sofia C. Olhede, Frederik J. Simons
How to measure the strength of the lithosphere without using the admittance or coherence between gravity and topography
- S5-10
- Maria A. Pais, Nathanael Schaeffer
Extending the Quasi-Geostrophic flow model for core flow inversions.
- S5-11
- Natalia Ptitsyna, Anatoly Levitin , Lidia Dremukhina , Ludmila Gromova
Modeling external magnetic field dynamics during extreme events
- S5-12
- Enkelejda Qamili, Angelo De Santis, Gianfranco Cianchini
Shannon information of the geomagnetic field for the past 7000 years and implications on the present field understanding
- S5-13
- Reyko Schachtschneider, Michael Hayn, Matthias Holschneider
Anisotropy of the geomagnetic field detected with directional Poisson wavelets on the sphere
Session 7:
- Quantifying the uncertainty in Earth systems
- Conveners: William P. Aspinall and Gordon Woo
- S7-01
- William P. Aspinall
Evaluating uncertainty and probabilistic forecast skill in volcanic hazard and risk assessments
- S7-02
- Sara Barsotti, Mauro Coltelli, Antonio Costa, Arnau Folch, Giovanni Macedonio, Luca Nannipieri, Augusto Neri, Michele Prestifilippo, Simona Scollo, Gaetano Spata, Enzo Boschi
Investigating the model-dependent uncertainty of volcanic ash dispersal forecasts
- S7-03
- Richard A. Brazier, KB Boomer
Empirically based seismic location criteria for simple to complex geological structures: A jacknife approach for local/regional networks
- S7-04
- Richard A. Brazier, KB Boomer
Stochastic velocity Modeling of the Kaapvaal Craton beneath the BASO station.
- S7-06
- Mark Naylor, Simon M Mudd, Kyungsoo Yoo
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Inversion of Hillslope Elevation and Soil Thickness Data for the Baselevel History
- S7-07
- Augusto Neri, Daniele Andronico, William P. Aspinall, Peter J. Baxter, Antonella Bertagnini, Raffaello Cioni, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro, Franco Flandoli, Enrico Giorgi, Giovanni Macedonio, Maurizio Mulas, Paolo Papale, Marco Pistolesi, Mauro Rosi, Micol Todesco
Assessing pyroclastic density current hazard from sub-Plinian eruptions at Vesuvius (Italy) and associated uncertainties
- S7-08
- Enrico Peruzzo, Michele Barsanti, Franco Flandoli, Paolo Papale
The stochastic quantization method and its application to the numerical simulation of volcanic conduit dynamics under random conditions
- S7-09
- Simone Tarquini, Massimiliano Favalli, Alessandro Fornaciai
DEM-due uncertainties in gravity-driven mass movements on Earth surface
- S7-10
- Marta Tyasto, Olga Danilova, Natalia Ptitsyna, Valery Sdobnov, Giorgio Villoresi
Evaluation the uncertainty of the Earth's Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Models
Session 8:
- Data assimilation and model validation
- Conveners: George Bergantz and Alik Ismail-Zadeh
- S8-01
- Dario Albarello, Vera D'Amico, Marco Mucciarelli
Empirical Testing of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates
- S8-02
- Svetlana Dubinkina, Hugues Goosse, Elisabeth Crespin, Yoan Sallaz-Damaz
Data assimilation using a particle filter in twin and real data experiments with a coupled climate model.
- S8-03
- Sarah E Gelman, George W Bergantz, Olivier Bachmann
Quantifying the role of individual sources of error and uncertainty in model validation: A case study in conductive heat transfer
- S8-04
- Stephen A. Haben, Amos S Lawless, Nancy K Nichols
Conditioning of the Variational Data Assimilation problem
- S8-05
- Ibrahim Hoteit, Xiaodong Luo, Dinh-Tuan Pham, Irene Moroz
Particle Kalman Filtering: A nonlinear framework for Ensemble Kalman Filters
- S8-06
- Xiaodong Luon, Ibrahim Hotei
Ensemble Local H-infinity filter for data assimilation
- S8-08
- Johannes Rückelt, Thomas Slawig
Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for a marine biogeochemical model.
- S8-09
- Hamid Shabanzadeh, Ghader Bagheri, Mahmoud Ghasemi, Mahammah Nekoofar
Investigation of the results of seismography to determine shear wave velocity and soil shear strength parameters
- S8-10
- Zbynek Sokol, Petr Zacharov
Assimilation of extrapolated radar reflectivity into a NWP model and its impact on forecasts of convective precipitation
- S8-11
- Hajoon Song, Ibrahim Hoteit, Bruce D Cornuelle, Aneesh C Subramanian
An Adaptive Approach to Mitigate Background Covariance Limitations in the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- S8-12
- Andrea Storto, Simona Masina, Srdjan Dobricic, Pierluigi Di Pietro
Modelling global ocean background-error covariances via ensemble simulations for use in reanalysis system
- S8-13
- Aneesh C Subramanian, Ibrahim Hoteit, Lisa Neef, Hajoon Song
Implementation of the nonlinear filtering problem and balanced dynamics
- S8-14
- Genta Ueno, Tomoyuki Higuchi, Takashi Kagimoto, Naoki Hirose
Maximum likelihood estimation of error covariances in ensemble-based filters and its application to a coupled atmosphere-ocean model
- S8-15
- Toni Viskari, Kolmonen Pekka, Anttila Tatu, Järvinen Heikki
Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol variables through data-assimilation